Frequently asked Questions

GTS is a system that collects data from graduates of higher education institutions to track their career paths and determine the effectiveness of the education they received.
The purpose of the GTS is to track the career paths of graduates and to determine the effectiveness of higher education institutions in preparing graduates for the labor market.
The GTS can be used by Higher Learning institutions, TVET schools and public institutions who will need data and labour market intelligence for decision making, policy development, incentive based funding etc.

National Graduate Tracer Surveys are important because they provide valuable information on the outcomes of higher education, including employment rates, salaries, and the relevance of education to the labor market. This information can be used by policymakers, institutions, and students to improve the quality of higher education

National Graduate Tracer Surveys typically collect information on graduates' employment status, salary, occupation, job satisfaction, and further education or training.

The data in National Graduate Tracer Surveys is collected through a survey that is taken by graduates of higher education institutions through the GTS portal. The survey can be conducted online or through other means, such as phone or mail.

National Graduate Tracer Surveys typically include graduates from TVET schools, Polytechnics and Higher education institutions.

The confidentiality of the data in National Graduate Tracer Surveys is ensured through various means, such as the use of anonymous surveys, data encryption, and restricted access to the data.

The information from National Graduate Tracer Surveys is used by policymakers to inform decisions on higher education policies, by institutions to improve their programs, and by students to make informed decisions about their education and career paths.

National Graduate Tracer Surveys are typically conducted every few years, depending on the institution conducting the survey.

Yes, individuals can opt out of participating in National Graduate Tracer Surveys by sending an email to requesting to be exempted. However, their participation is important for the accuracy and completeness of the data.

Institutions can use the information from National Graduate Tracer Surveys to identify areas where graduates are struggling to find employment or where they are not well-prepared for the workforce, and to make changes to their programs to address these issues.

The length of a National Graduate Tracer Survey can vary depending on the nature of the survey, but it typically takes 10-30 minutes to complete.