About GTS

Make your qualification count
Our Focus

Bridging the gap between education and employment

GTS is a comprehensive program that aims to track the career paths and outcomes of graduates from tertiary institutions across the country. The system typically collects data through surveys conducted with recent graduates and alumni, with the aim of gathering information about their employment status, job satisfaction, further education, and other relevant factors. The purpose of a national graduate tracer survey system is to provide policymakers, educators, and employers with valuable insights into the effectiveness of tertiary education in preparing graduates for the workforce. By analyzing the data collected, stakeholders can identify areas where improvements can be made, and make informed decisions about education policy, training and development, and workforce planning. This can be achieved through:
  • Identification of skills and knowledge gaps.
  • Provision insights into industry trends.
  • Provision feedback on the relevance of education to the job market.
  • Provision of information on job prospects and career paths.
  • Supporting of employers in recruiting graduates.
  • Enabling universities to improve their graduate outcomes.
Why Participate in Graduate Tracer Surveys

Benefits of GTS to various stakeholders

GTS can be used by various stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of programs in preparing students for the job market and to identify areas where additional resources or changes in curriculum may be needed.

The Graduate Tracking System (GTS) is a system designed to collect and manage data on the career paths of graduates. Here are some benefits that graduates can derive from using GTS:
  1. Career guidance: The survey can help graduates to identify potential career paths and job opportunities based on the experiences of other graduates who have pursued similar career paths.
  2. Feedback on their education: The survey can provide graduates with feedback on the quality and relevance of their education, which can help them to identify areas where they may need to improve their skills or knowledge.
  3. Personal development: The survey can help graduates to reflect on their own experiences and identify areas where they can improve their skills, knowledge, and professional development.
  4. Influence future educational programs: The survey can help graduates to influence the design and content of future educational programs by providing feedback on the relevance and effectiveness of their own education.
  1. Program evaluation: GTS can provide schools with valuable data on the employment outcomes of their graduates, which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of their academic programs and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Curriculum development: GTS can help schools to identify the skills and knowledge that are most in demand in the job market, which can inform the development of new academic programs and the revision of existing ones.
  3. Accreditation: GTS can provide schools with the data they need to demonstrate compliance with accreditation standards related to graduate outcomes and employability.
  4. Employer engagement: GTS can help schools to build relationships with employers and industry partners, which can lead to internship and job opportunities for students and better alignment between academic programs and the needs of the job market.
  5. Alumni engagement: GTS can help schools to stay connected with their alumni and to better understand their career paths and achievements, which can inform the development of alumni engagement programs and fundraising efforts.
Overall, GTS can help schools to improve the quality and relevance of their academic programs, build relationships with employers and alumni, and demonstrate their commitment to preparing graduates for successful careers.
  1. Enhance training and development programs: The survey can help employers to identify areas where their training and development programs are lacking, and where improvements could be made to better support their graduate hires.
  2. Measure graduate satisfaction: The survey can provide employers with an understanding of how satisfied their graduate hires are with their jobs, which can help them to identify areas where they need to improve employee engagement and morale.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of their recruitment process: The survey can help employers to assess whether they are targeting the right graduates for their workforce and whether their recruitment process is effective in attracting and selecting the best candidates.
  4. Improve retention rates: The survey can provide employers with insights into the reasons why graduates leave their organization, which can help them to develop strategies to retain top talent.
  5. Build employer brand: The survey can help employers to build their employer brand by highlighting the strengths of their organization as an employer of choice for graduates.

There are several benefits of Graduate Tracer Surveys (GTS) to government and policy makers, including:

  1. Identifying skills gaps and shortages: The data collected through GTS can help policy makers identify areas where there is a shortage of skilled workers and take steps to address these shortages. This can help support economic growth and development by ensuring that there are enough skilled workers to meet the needs of employers.
  2. Assessing the effectiveness of education and training programs: GTS data can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of education and training programs and identify areas where improvements may be needed. This can help policy makers make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and develop policies that support the development of a skilled workforce.
  3. Supporting evidence-based policy making: GTS data provides policy makers with evidence-based information about the labour market outcomes of graduates. This information can help inform policy decisions related to education, training, and employment, and support evidence-based policy making.
  4. Encouraging international competitiveness: GTS can help policy makers understand the skills and qualifications of their graduates relative to graduates from other countries. This information can help support policies that encourage international competitiveness and support the development of a skilled workforce that can compete in the global labour market.
  5. Improving graduate employability: GTS can help policy makers understand the factors that contribute to graduate employability and take steps to improve the skills and qualifications of graduates. This can help ensure that graduates are well-prepared for the job market and have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their careers.
Overally, Graduate Tracer Surveys can be a valuable tool for government and policy makers as they work to develop policies that support the development of a skilled workforce and promote economic growth and development.